Simple File Sharer

5.00 out of 5
(3 customer reviews)

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $3.99.

  • Very cheap price & Original product!
  • You’ll Receive Untouched And Unmodified Files
  • 100% Clean Files & Free From Virus
  • Unlimited Domain Usage
  • Lifetime free updates !!!
  • Product Version: 3.70
  • Product Last Updated: 14.04.2022


Allows you to run your own file sharing service – out of the box


– single file upload and sharing
– multiple files upload and sharing (since 1.4)
– drag and drop or just select file(s)
– autoupload
– progressbar and progress numbers
– mail sharing, ability to send to more than one recipient by closing the success message
– admin interface with dashboard, various charts and possibility to manage uploaded files
– ready to use ajax contact form
– built on bootstrap 2.3.2 (1 theme) and 3.2.0 (17 themes)
– responsive (since 1.4)
– ready to use faqs module
– easy to change frontend languages (English, Deutsch (Sie), Deutsch (Du) included)
– possibility to block list of extensions
– possibility to allow list of extensions
– possibility to disable direct file downloads (IP or session based), or to disable the protection
– display expiration date of files on download or deletion page
– autodelete depending on age
– autodelete depending last download (since 1.2)
– countdown X seconds befor download is possible (since 1.2)
– reporting files function (since 1.2)
– image preview of uploaded images (since 1.2)
– bandwidth throtteling on downloads (since 1.3)
– supporting mod_xsendfile (since 1.3)
– maximum age of downloads by uploader (since 1.6)
– maximum number of downloads by uploader (since 1.6)
– CAPTCHA protection (since 1.64)
– QR Codes (since 2.0)
– Bitly Short Urls (since 2.0)
– SFS internal Short Urls (since 3.50)
– HTML emails (since 2.0)
– Social Sharing [since 2.1]
– Copy to Clipboard function [since 2.1]
– Display Upload Speed, estimated and elapsed Upload-Time [since 2.15]
– file descriptions [since 2.20]
– possibility to leave message for downloaders on download-page [since 2.20]
– file locking [since 2.20]
– multiple email recipients [New since 2.21]
– Adfly Short Urls (since 2.23)
– Google Short Urls (since 2.24) removed with SFS 3.30
– possibility to just allow admins to upload (since 2.26)
– ….


– mysql 5.6 tested successful with MariaDB in the past, but not supported officially
– Apache – php 7.4.x (5.x,7.4) tested successful with Apache (and nginx, but not officially supported)
– working php mail function (usually a standard)
– enabled mod_rewrite and the possibility to use them (.htaccess)
– GD library for image previews and CAPTCHA module
– optional: mod_XSendFile (optional – meant for downloads of huge files) more info to mod_xsendfile:

known but intercepted issues

– Safari browsers on Windows platforms are not able to upload multiple files at once – SFS turns multiple upload support for Safari browsers on Windows platforms automatically off – single uploads works although
– Drag and Drop functionality doesn’t work on Internet Explorer Versions smaller as 10.0 (incl. MSIE10.0 with compatibility mode = MSIE7.0) – SFS just displays another message without the drag and drop information on upload page

Filesize Hints

The main troublemaker  :)
The maximum used filesize is depending on various circumstances. And the filesize you set here will be recalculated to avoid upload troubles (if you set a higher value as your webserver?s config allows).

These are post_max_size and upload_max_filesize

Values for the two settings above can be set in the php.ini (or maybe inside your .htaccess if the webserver’s config allows this) – usually this should be enough

If you’re running PHP as FastCGI (FCGI) you might have to adapt FcgidMaxRequestLen too, more on

Another maybe useful information if webserver is set up with suPHP enabled:

christibond said
“In .htaccess should add this line : suPHP_ConfigPath /home/<user>/etc/php.ini This should be the path to the custom php.ini , if the account is set up with suPHP enabled.”

nginx (not officially supported) – adapting of client_max_body_size maybe needed – more information in the readme.pdf 7.b

3 reviews for Simple File Sharer

  1. 5 out of 5

    Jakayla (verified owner)

    No problems, cheap and quality

  2. 5 out of 5

    Antonia (verified owner)

    Cheap, responsive and effective

  3. 5 out of 5

    Georgette (verified owner)

    Perfect and cheap support service

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